Monday, November 29, 2021

Introducing the new book club: "Between the linez"

A new reading club has launched! 

The club, which was created by three 11th grade students in conjunction with Ms. Melissa from the LRC seeks to empower students to select fiction and nonfiction books for reading, discussion, and sharing. 

 The reading club bears the name of "Between the Linez", a name chosen to reflect one of the objectives of the club,  which is to dig more in-deeply into each book, as well as explore different book-related activities. The club members will be working hard to encourage all ABC Readers to carry out the challenges that they are planning and preparing. 

The club will meet every Tuesday from 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm in Google Meet. The entire community of high school students has been invited to take part if interested,  in this new club and in taking it to the next level. 

Aumentando el amor a la lectura.馃摎

Durante el mes de noviembre los estudiantes del Club ReciLectura, planificaron y compartieron unos videos con un grupo ni帽os de la escuela Arturo Ambrogi y de esta forma ayudarles en la comprensi贸n lectora.

Cuento: El ni帽o que no comparte, escrito e ilustrado por nuestra exalumna Fiorella Vel谩squez. 

El siguiente video es sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente y la importancia de ense帽ar a nuestros ni帽os y j贸venes el cuidado de nuestro planeta, les comparto el paso a paso de ¿C贸mo sembrar una planta? 

¿Sab铆as qu茅?
Las plantas ayudan a nuestro medio ambiente a eliminar el di贸xido de carbono que es un gas que contribuye al cambio clim谩tico. Tambi茅n produce ox铆geno que nos ayuda a los humanos y todos los animales con los quienes compartimos a respirar.
Es responsabilidad nuestra cuidar el planeta Tierra.

Reflexi贸n sobre las actividades del mes de noviembre por parte de nuestra estudiante Alexia:

Esta fue una actividad muy divertida, entretenida y emocionante. Para m铆 organizar un proyecto es muy emocionante y tener la oportunidad y libertad de hacerlo por m铆 misma es aparte de una gran responsabilidad, una gran aventura. Tengo suerte de tener una gran mentora y gu铆a del proyecto que me da mucha libertad pero al mismo tiempo me mantiene en tierra, ayuda y aconseja. Despu茅s de este primer mes he decidido que cada vez que hagamos este proyecto (todos los meses que grabemos videos y recaudemos manualidades) tendremos un mes para hacerlo, de esta manera nos mantenemos ordenados, trabajando pero no presionados y disfrutando todo.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Supporting Local Universities

Today the LRC Team had a visit from a group of Library Sciences students from the University of El Salvador. This was a follow-up session from a virtual meeting a week ago in which the students interviews the librarians about the LRC and its workings.

We were asked for a tour but prepared an experience for them that we hope not only illustrated many of the functions and purposes of the LRC in an engaging way but also, highlight ways in which they as future librarians can engage members of their communities through experiences which can be adapted across subjects and grades, at a low cost or no cost. 

This was an enjoyable experience for all and many important connections were made.

We have encouraged the students to keep in touch and keep us abreast of their professional endeavors.  We do hope that the students will take us up on our offer to support them as they move from university to their first library postings. 

It is a wonderful thing to hear that we are considered by many, including university professors to be the best school library in the country. The LRC has come a very long way since 2008 and we endeavor to ensure that the innovative learning, resource collections, community engagement, and support continue to develop and improve, in the benefit of our ABC and local communities. 

Please click on the link to view more photos from this event.