Friday, August 16, 2019

Welcome Back!

Welcome to a brand new school year from the entire LRC Team!

There have been so many exciting developments over the summer holidays that we know will further enhance your children's school experiences.

As you are aware, the LRC remains open over the summer holidays. During this time there is a high influx of new resources and equipment to catalog, organise and prepare for our staff and students. 

This year the LRC has once again acquired a large number of new books for students from Grades 6-12 and reorganised many of the existing books into special collections. There has been an addition of  three new 3D printers, two of which are our favourite CR-10 Minis and one very exciting XYZ Double Extruder Model. In addition there are new LittleBits Sets, Sphero Bolts, MicroBits (on the way), a Laser Engraver, Sticker Maker, new 3Doodler Start and Create + Pens, just to mention a few. 

We have also put together a new Lego wall in the Fiction Section for students to creative with in their spare time.These resources and equipment are available to staff and students through,  the circulation desk, lessons and drop-ins and the Makerspace.

Three of the ICT teachers also attended and presented at the annual ISTE  Conference in Philidelphia, where they presented the social impact projects that are underway in the makerspace. Mrs. Garcia, Mrs.Serrano and Mrs. Mena (Primary), not only got the opportunity to share all of the wonderful work taking place in ICT and the LRC, but also learn about new technologies for teaching and learning as part of a cohort of over 20,000 educators from around the world. Much of the learning and ideas has already been applied in preparation for the 19/20 school year with more development to ensue later in the year. 

The LRC Team would like to take this opportunity to remind students, staff and parents that students from all grades, are strongly encouraged to check books out of the LRC as often as possible for reading at school and at home. Statistically speaking there is a tendency for  younger students  to be avid consumers of literary works, while in the upper years there are indications of a significant drop in the checking out of reading books, through the LRC.

As Stephen King once declared, "Books are unique portable magic." and we at the LRC truly believe that reading regularly for both pleasure and academic work, is not only a life changing experience, which broadens the scope of knowledge and understanding,  but also one of the very important cornerstones of effective learning. 
"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." Jacqueline Kennedy, so we encourage you to "Be awesome! Be a book nut!" and encourage yourselves and your children to use every opportunity to expand your world through books, by visiting the LRC regularly. We very much look forward to seeing you here.

 Useful Links:
LRC Webpage
LRC Booklet (ABC account required to view)

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