This year we shook up our 6th grade programming unit by working with Sphero Mini Robots.
The Students did a series of basic online lessons through SpheroEdu and then went on to the final challenge. The challenge was for them to program their Sphero Mini Robots to remain in a circle (roughly 1 Metre in diameter) and try to push the opponent out of the ring.
The first step however was to research Sumo Wrestling and make sure they understood the rules of the match.
Next, they applied what they had learned in ICT lessons to build a sequence of movements with loops to ensure the robot remained within the specified area for a certain amount of time. They used variables to count log collisions and used what they know about angles, time and speed to write their code. They had to tweak the initial codes quite a bit as often they had set the speed too high. Most students either chose to use star like formations based on angles while others used geometric shape tracing. The resulting competition when paired with some motivational music was very engaging battle of the bots. What a great way to end the school year!
I have included the video below. Just click to view it.