Libraries around the world are turning into dynamic innovative places,
that motivate communities to create, innovate and learn.
On Saturday May 26th, 2018 the LRC team hosted a series of short workshops entitled
Libraries in the Cloud and Practical Applications for Makerspaces.
Participants included teachers, librarians and interested individuals from around
the country.
the country.
This initiative was one of many activities that took place during the celebration of
Salvadoran Librarian week, during the 60th Anniversary of Contributing to the
Development of Information Professionals: Globally United as Agents of Change.
Various sessions were offered as morning workshop:
Google Drive and Sites, Virtual Reality and 360 degree Tours with Google
Cardboard, Expeditions, Panoform y 360 degree Cameras, Makerspaces,
Drones, and 3D Design and Printing amongst others.
Cardboard, Expeditions, Panoform y 360 degree Cameras, Makerspaces,
Drones, and 3D Design and Printing amongst others.
The excitement and active learning were palpable as participants moved from
one activity to the next. Each one of them left the workshops with several exciting
new ideas for their own institution as well as implementation strategies.
one activity to the next. Each one of them left the workshops with several exciting
new ideas for their own institution as well as implementation strategies.
The excitement isn’t over yet. Participants have kept the discussion going through our
ABES Google Classroom, where 3D models and other ideas are still being uploaded.
It is truly a pleasure to work with such motivated individuals as we work
together as educators to share ideas, best practice and inspiration.
together as educators to share ideas, best practice and inspiration.
You can view media from the workshops here.
Hilda Gomez and Jennifer Garcia